Where I've Been Since May 2019

I’m just a little bit behind on my blog posts!! My last post was from Italy in May this year, a travel photography trip that was planned for three months. Sadly, a month into the trip, I had an accident and broke my arm. Unable to hold my camera let alone operate it I returned to Vietnam early to wait out the weeks until my cast came off. I made a quick trip to Australia, as soon as I had use of my arm back, to update some equipment. I wanted a more portable lighting kit so I changed over my Profoto B1’s for the new and much smaller Profoto B10 and A1X lights, which I just love using.

In September I returned to Europe to finish off the earlier trip. Being more careful this time I spent two months travelling through Spain and France, returning to Vietnam at the end of October. In Spain my main stops were Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Valencia. I then hopped over to Marseille in France then travelled up to Paris stopping in Aix en Provence, Lyon and Dijon.

I will post some images from each stop over the coming weeks. As usual prints are available for purchase so if you see something that you like please drop me an email.

An alternative perspective on the magnificent La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain.

An alternative perspective on the magnificent La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain.